quinta-feira, 2 de abril de 2009

together through life. novo do dylan.

a última entrevista que o bob dylan deu teve umas partes assim:

entrevistador: If a young man considering a career in the arts wanted to meet a lot of women, would he be better off learning to paint or to play guitar?
Dylan: Probably neither. If he had women on his mind, he might think about becoming a lawyer or a doctor.

What's your take on politics?
Dylan: Politics is entertainment. It's a sport. It's for the well groomed and well heeled. The impeccably dressed. Party animals. Politicians are interchangeable.

baixe aqui:

beyond here lies nothing via z share do álbum novo together through life.


2 comentários:

cap disse...

quase 40 anos e ainda as mesmas perguntas, né? :)

lowproflavia disse...

e ele responde....